Thursday, September 25, 2014

Important New Information About Oral Cancer Screening Oregon

By Karina Frost

Oral cancer is also known as mouth cancer. It can arise as a simple lesion in the tissues of your mouth. It can also spread by metastasis from a different part of the body. If you are worried that this may affect you or someone close to you, you may want to research oral cancer screening oregon.

There are different histologic types of this disease. The first type is the teratoma. The second type is adenocarcinoma of the salivary glands. The third type is tonsillar lymphoma or melanoma from mucosa cells. Approximately ninety percent of these diseases are squamous cell carcinomas. These are carcinomas that originate in the mouth tissues or lips.

The survival rate for this disease depends on many factors, such as the site of the growth and the stage at which it is diagnosed. The survival rate tends to be around 57 percent at five years regardless of gender, ethnicity, age group, and modes of treatment. However, the survival rate for stage one of the disease is approximately ninety percent. This is why doctors emphasize screening and early detection to increase survival rates for patients.

For proper screening, there should be a thorough examination of the mouth by your doctor or dentist to see if there is any visible or hidden lesions on the lips, tongue, or anywhere else in the mouth. The sides of your tongue are also a common area for lesions. As the tumor grows larger, it often becomes an ulcer and starts to bleed. After this stage, the patient may have difficulty talking, chewing, or swallowing. Some patients may need a feeding tube to get adequate nutrition.

It is a good idea to have this screening test done at least once a year. If there is anything suspicious, the doctor will order special tests, such as an x-ray, a CT scan or an MRI. The doctor may also take a tissue biopsy for further testing. This testing will normally be done in a lab.

There are many screening devices that doctors and dentists may use to detect oral cancer. Some of these devices include the Velscope, the identafi 3000 or the Vizilite Plus. Doctors need to be careful that these devices do not harm the patient through over use, or produce false positives that may lead to unnecessary biopsies.

When DNA mutates, oncogenes will become activated. There are certain risk factors that can make a person predisposed developing to oral cancer. You should speak to your doctor about whether you have any of these risk factors. The International Cancer Genome Consortium devotes its time and resources to studying this type of disease. It does this by mapping the complete genome of the disease.

You should understand that nearly seventy-five percent of these cancers are associated with certain behaviors that can be modified over time, such as smoking tobacco and too much alcohol consumption. Other factors such as poor oral hygiene and irritation to the gums caused by badly fitted dentures are also contributors. Having poor nutrition and chronic infections from bacteria or viruses are also red flags. However, if oral cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, medical treatment will generally be effective with the disease.

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