Sunday, October 26, 2014

Discover How Depression Sufferers Find Relief With San Jose Thyroid Doctor

By Mark Marabut

Depression is very common, and in most cases it goes away on its own after a short while without medical assistance. Chronic depression is much more serious, with sufferers sometimes being driven to suicide. A San Jose thyroid doctor realizes how serious this problem is, and has concentrated primarily on resolving this condition.

True professionals realize that many other conditions could be hiding behind this symptom. Women with PMS or who are going through menopause are often depressed, and this may be due to a physical problem. Doctors need to isolate the cause of the problem for each patient, and not simply turn to anti-depressant medications without further thought.

The fact that women are much more prone to thyroid problems as well as that many female medical conditions cause depression makes the cause much harder to identify in their case. Women should never simply dismiss a feeling of depression. This could be a symptom of a serious problem, not just a transient hormonal imbalance.

The best way to distinguish the cause of depression is to run some blood tests. This will provide valuable information and identify the best way to deal with the trouble. The right medications will soon help re-balance your hormones, so that your mood will be more elevated and other problems may also be corrected.

There are many possible causes of a problem with your thyroid gland. Post-partum thyroiditis occurs after a woman has given birth and, while common, is mostly temporary. Other conditions require long-term medication to control the hormone balance and lift your mood, so do seek help if you suffer from prolonged depression.

A doctor in San Juan has focused on helping people with depression due to thyroid problems, and knows exactly how each case should be handled. If you simply start taking ant-depressant drugs, the problem will never be solved. Getting the best help possible is the right idea when it comes to your health.

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