Thursday, March 19, 2015

How To Remove A Mole: Natural Remedies

By Leslie Ball

In case your self-esteem has been lowered and you are no longer confident meeting new people and find it hard to be part of gatherings because of a mole, there are several solutions that may help you get rid of it. These are mostly the harmless black or dark brown selling parts of the skin, and can be particularly annoying when it emerges on the visible parts of the body like the face. Although most are harmless, there are a few that may be cancerous in nature. All in all, you need to understand the tips on how to remove a mole naturally to make you feel at ease.

Normally, they start as an abnormal growth of the skin. One part of the skin grows but fails to spread out as it should be. This continues to create a dark brown or black swelling that should not be harmful in the normal circumstances apart from the ugly look. In a few cases, though, it may be harmful and may even be cancerous in nature. Normally, they are common with teenagers and the pregnant women.

The cases where it appears right at birth may not present any cause for alarm. The ones that appear after birth may present very little risk of being cancerous. However, if it comes about in the thirties or at the latter age afterwards, there is a lot to worry about and it is best to see a doctor early enough. In the same way, if it starts behaving abnormally; it starts to be itching, oozing or bleed, then you should seek medical attention.

The home remedies for removing a mole are only resorted to if you are sure that it is completely natural and not harmful. These remedies may require patience and consistency and may backfire, particularly in cases of misdiagnosis. Currently, Apple Cider Method is the most common home remedy.

The other remedies that can help reduce its size applying castor oil drops mixed with baking soda paste or garlic paste wrapped on affected using a cloth overnight. It may also be erased by rubbing the dandelion stem over the affected part for sometimes.

In addition to the two, there are several other remedies that may also work. Mixing baking soda and castor oil to make a paste or use a garlic paste and wrap the affected part with the paste overnight are the other options. Alternatively, rubbing the dandelion stem against the affected skin over time has also been proven to work.

The other solutions that have been used, including drying strawberry pieces on the skin, application of tea tree at least twice per day, use of a mixture of sea salt and pineapple to scrub it off, or even the use of the inner part of the banana peel to wrap the skin several hours daily. Two drops of iodine applied twice a day or application of natural honey on a daily basis are also effective just as the use of chopped onion paste mixed with salt.

The most important aspect is to be careful and see the doctor as soon as you notice something unnatural with the mole. This is particularly when it starts to itch, bleed, or even ooze. A doctor should certify that it is not cancerous.

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